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02/13/2024 - NYSPHA submitted testimony on the Office of Mental Health Budget to the Joint Legislative Hearing on Mental Hygiene. Click <here> to read the testimony.

01/23/2024 - NYSPHA submitted testimony on the Health Department Budget to the Joint Legislative Hearing on Health. Click <here> to read the testimony.

10/30/2023 - NYSPHA sent a letter to Governor Hochel with our recommendations for the State Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Executive Budget.  Read the letter here.

NYSPHA has written Memoranda of Support for the following bills before the legislature:

S.5542 (Rivera)/A.2970 (Fahy). Sovereign Debt Stability Act. Click <here> to read the memorandum.

A.6425 (O’Donnell). Epinephrine Affordability.  Click <here> to read the memorandum.

S.8531 (Hoylman-Sigal)/ A.9110 (Rosenthal). Closing Enforcement Loopholes to End the Youth E-cigarettes Epidemic in New York. Click <here> to read the memorandum. Click <here> to read the memorandum.

S.278A (Gounardes) / A.1559A (Simon). Climate Education Curriculum for All Public Schools. Click <here> to read the memorandum.

S.2129-A (Krueger)/A.3351-A (Dinowitz). Climate Change Superfund Act. Click <here> to read the memorandum.

S.2935-C (Parker)/A.4866-C (Kelles). Just Energy Transition Act. Click here to read the memorandum.

S.2016-A (Krueger) /A.4592-A (Fahy). New York Home Energy Affordable Transition (NY HEAT) Act. Click here to read the memorandum. Click <here> to read the revised memorandum submitted May 31, 2024.

A.3291 (Dinowitz)/ S.7046 (Fernandez). Relates to expansion of absentee voting provisions. Click <here> to read the memorandum.

S.1531 (Hoylman-Sigal) / A.7154 (McDonald).  Reporting of Adult Vaccinations to State & NYC Immunization Registries. Click <here> to read the memorandum.

S.4364 (Fernandez) / A.6720 (Solages). Food Service Guidelines for State Facilities. Click <here> to read the memorandum.

S.2441(Hoylman-Sigal) / A.3907 (Bichotte Hermelyn). Prohibiting the retail sale of flavored tobacco products and accessories. Click <here> to read the memorandum.

Previous Years' NYSPHA PAC Priorities

Below you can find previous years' NYSPHA Legislative Agendas, highlights and accomplishments.  

NYSPHA is the New York State affiliate of the American Public Health Association and serves as a statewide organization representing members from all disciplines of public health. NYSPHA’s mission is to promote and protect the public’s health through networking, professional development, advocacy and education.

NYSACHO represents the collective voice of local health departments in New York State. NYSACHO’s mission is to support, advocate for, and empower local health departments in their work to promote health and wellness to prevent disease, disability and injury throughout New York State.

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New York State Public Health Association

PO Box 38127
Albany, NY 12203
Tel: 518.427.5835


© New York State Public Health Association, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.

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