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NYSPHA is the New York State affiliate of the American Public Health Association and serves as a statewide organization representing members from all disciplines of public health. NYSPHA’s mission is to promote and protect the public’s health through networking, professional development, advocacy and education.

NYSACHO represents the collective voice of local health departments in New York State. NYSACHO’s mission is to support, advocate for, and empower local health departments in their work to promote health and wellness to prevent disease, disability and injury throughout New York State.

Together, we support the following legislation:

Reducing Tobacco Use, Vaping Among Youth, and Secondhand Smoke

A.47A/S.428B (Rosenthal/Hoylman): AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation prohibiting the sale and distribution of flavored e-liquid for use in e-cigarettes (amended to include all flavored tobacco products).  

A.8808/S.6809 (Bichotte/Hoylman): AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to prohibiting the sale of menthol cigarettes, and all other flavored combustible/smokeless tobacco products.

Read our Memorandum of Support here.

Additional Tobacco-related items.

A.389/S.592 (Galef/Carlucci): AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to enacting the “tobacco-free pharmacies act.”  (Included in the Executive Budget Article VII bill).

A.2299/S.2655 (Dinowitz/Stavisky): AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to prohibiting smoking in certain outdoor areas.

A.4365/S.1148 (Rosenthal/Carlucci): AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to prohibiting the use of coupons or use of a “price reduction instrument” to lower the price of certain tobacco products. (Included in the Executive Budget Article VII bill).

NYSPHA & NYSACHO have concerns and recommendations regarding the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act

A.1617/S.1527 (Peoples-Stokes/Krueger): While criminal justice reform with regard to cannabis is urgently needed, our members have serious concerns related to the adverse impact an adult-use regulated cannabis program will have on public health. If this legislation is passed, it is imperative that funding from cannabis-related tax revenues should be earmarked for public health programs to address the potentially adverse impact of cannabis with public and medical education and to address health inequities that exist with regard to cannabis use. Such programs should be informed by information from the proposed cannabis research center, when available. Read our endorsement letter of APHA policy statement Regulating Commercially Legalized Marijuana as a Public Health Priority here. 

The Well Campaign

A.7607-A/S.7767 ((Benedetto/Biaggi).  AN ACT to amend education law to develop a New York State model school wellness policy. 

Invest $21M in funding and technical assistance to support school districts-particularly high-needs districts—to improve and implement wellness policies 

      •  $20M: Funds for New York’s 205 high-needs school districts to bring strong, comprehensive wellness policies to life for our state’s most vulnerable children.
      • $1M: Funds for the Department of Education to fill a health and wellness position and create a resource hub to provide wellness policy technical assistance to all districts that need help

The NYSPHA Policy and Advocacy Committee will continue to update the 2020 Legislative Agenda as new issues arise. The current version of the full 2020 NYSPHA Legislative Agenda can be viewed here. 

Read NYSPHA's 2020 budget recommendations letter to Governor Cuomo here.

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New York State Public Health Association

PO Box 38127
Albany, NY 12203
Tel: 518.427.5835


© New York State Public Health Association, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.

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