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The evolution of social media is happening at a pace faster than most of us can keep up with. What new social networks are out there? What should we keep our eyes on?
Please join us for this 1-hour overview on two of the fastest growing online platforms, and how they may be helpful in targeting and engaging groups in public health campaigns.
Speaker: Nicki Briggs, MS, RD, Marketing & Communications Strategist, Nutrition Expert
1-hour CHES Credit
Fee: FREE for members of NYSPHA, $10 for non-members*
*Participate in this and additional webinars for free by joining NYSPHA! Click here to learn about additional member benefits and to effortlessly join or renew your membership online!
New York State Public Health Association
PO Box 38127 Albany, NY 12203 Tel: 518.427.5835 Email:
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